Listing / Advertising Opportunities

List your business today and be seen by 1000’s of couples!

Promote your business on The Wedding Directory

It’s no secret that websites that show up on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPS) get more website traffic than those that do not. In fact, the majority of users never scroll past the first page of search results. We appear on the first page of search results for literally hundreds of wedding related search terms relevant to wedding venues, suppliers and events.

Our website listings include all the essential features you need to showcase your business. We have different listing types available so you can choose the type that would work best for your business and your budget. You have already seen how easy our site is to find so Join us today!


Wedding Supplier Listings

Choose Free, Standard or Premium Listings!

FREE! – Include your business name and description for Free!

Be seen by 1000’s of couples today! – Upgrade your listing to include your full business details, photos and links. Choose from:

STANDARD – Ensure customers can easily make contact by showing your full business contact details, include a link to your website and a gallery of 5 Images.

GO PREMIUM! – Show your full business contact details, include links to your website and social media pages and a large gallery with 25 images. Include videos, promote special offers and testimonials and appear in up to 3 categories. Plus if you GO PREMIUM! your listing will also be promoted to our 30K + followers on social media. There are two payment options available, save on your budget with a discounted payment covering 12 months online OR

PAY AS YOU GO!   Get all the benefits of the Premium Listing payable on a easy monthly basis. With our ‘Pay as you Go’ option you can stay as long as you like and cancel at any time, there is no minimum contract.  Join today for only £10 + vat.


HOW TO JOIN TODAY – Free or Paid?

First you will need to register on our site (if you are a Wedding Venue or wish to list a wedding fair please scroll down). Once registered as a Supplier you will be able to choose your listing type, Free, Standard, Premium or ‘Pay as you go’, add details into your listing and submit your listing for approval. If you have chosen a ‘paid for’ option, you can make payment by credit, debit card or paypal. WEDDING SUPPLIERS REGISTER HERE

For more information please contact us.



Wedding Venue Listings

We have listings to suit all venue types and budgets. We offer Standard and Premium listings plus our Inspiration Packages including editorial. We offer discounted annual payments and also a ‘PAY AS YOU GO’ monthly listing option.  All venue listings have great features are multi-category and include links and publicity to our 35K + followers across our social media channels. To find out more please contact us. We would love to hear from you and let you know what we can offer!


Wedding Event Listings

Promote your Wedding Fair, Showcase or Open Day Listing FREE in our dedicated Events section online when you list your wedding venue with us. All event listings include links to your website and social media channels plus a link to your wedding venue listing on our site to maximise the impact of your event! contact us to find out more about listing your event today! 

INTERESTED in other listing types?

To find out about all the listing options we can offer your business including Premium Plus Listings, Group bookings, Featured Placements and Editorial features please contact us we look forward to hearing from you.